

Crocodile capture and restraint equipment 

A bit of history

In the past twenty years I´ve been working to improve crocodylian capture welfare and captors safety. For this I´ve invented many gadgets like the CrocMuzzle, the CrocMuzzleBag, jaw and head protection and leg restraint for crocodiles.

In cooperation with many experts in this field, it has been possible over the last years to further develop and test these ideas and inventions and to carry out studies on them. 

I have conducted application training sessions not only in Europe, but also for institutions such as zoos, animal sanctuaries and training sites for wildlife authorities  e.g. in Uganda, Mexico, Guatemala, Sri Lanka and India.

At this homepage I`m going to share some experiences I gained.

CrocMuzzle inventions in media

Over the years, there were a number of publications and articles related to my work. If you like, you can browse through them here...

On a regular basis, I´m also sharing news on facebook. Follow the link to my page and also to the CrocMuzzle Equipment.

Many thanks, 

Peter Prodromou